Our users

Upton Village Hall has a variety of regular users including clubs, classes and societies. More details and contact information can be found on this page.


1st Upton and Blewbury Brownies meet every Wednesday during term time from 6pm to 7.30pm, and undertake a variety of activities both in the hall and out. Contact Fiona Coomer (1stu.b.brownies@gmail.com) for more details.

Dog Training Classes

Dawn ParsonsDawn Parsons – 01491 836821. For all dog and puppy training enquiries see www.dawnparsons.co.uk.


The Karate Club has been running since 2009 and now has a large group of students ranging from the age of 4 to adulthood, who train in the village hall every Sunday from 11am.

Beginners are always welcome – new students get the first four weeks free so they can try before they decide to train properly. All ages are welcome from juniors to adults.

It takes around 4 years and lots of training to achieve black belt, so a lot of commitment is required, but over time karate can give people confidence and a good level of fitness and flexibility.

Contact John Hogan johnhogan01@btinternet.com (01536 746182) for more details.


Tea Birds WI meet on the last Tuesday of every month from January to November.  Meetings are from 8.00pm until 10.00pm.

We are a group of ladies of all ages, from all over the local area who come together to enjoy all the wonderful things WI has to offer.  We are a laid back bunch and welcome anyone to come and give us a try and see if our group is for you!  The kettle is always on and there is always cake!

See www.tea-birdswi.co.uk or contact tea-birdswi@hotmail.co.uk for more details.

Upton Wine Appreciation Club

The Club, which was formed in 2005, provides Upton residents with informal monthly meetings based on tasting wines from around the world. These are usually attended by about forty members and 8 to 10 wines are tasted with some information from a speaker. The emphasis is very much on informality and an opportunity for members to socialize and for newcomers to the village to be welcomed.

The club meets in the Village Hall, usually on the third Wednesday of the month, except for December when it meets a week earlier and July and August when there is a summer break.

Full membership is open to all residents of Upton over the age of 18 years plus their immediate families (children over the age of 18 years and parents), ex-residents and those closely associated with the village.

Contact Ian Langley ian.langley@yahoo.co.uk for more details.


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